Thursday, November 11, 2010

Holiday Travel Tips

With the holidays around the corner, you might be thinking about holiday travel. Maybe you will be going home for the first time this semester or just taking a trip to see your significant other’s family. Holiday travel can be stressful if you do not take the time to plan ahead. Today we will discuss some simple tips so you can have more time for fun and less time to worry.
The first one of these tips is to avoid peak travel times. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the worst time to travel. It’s the most crowded and you will experience the most travel delays. But you can get some pretty good deals on Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving is a good time to return home. You also want to book your flight early. It’s not a good idea to wait for the absolute last minute to book a flight. This might you cause you to get locked out of a flight or even have to pay more money. Shopping around is another good strategy. Visit more than one travel web site before you book to make sure that you are getting the best deal.
Leave for the airport early. This will give you enough time to get through security and make sure that you are not late for your flight. Pack accordingly. Do not bring unnecessary stuff. It will just make the security check take longer and weigh you down. Check your connecting flight. Be sure that you are aware of any bad weather or other possible travel delays.
Last but not least, have fun! The holidays are for family to get together and have a good time. So relax and enjoy your time off from work or school! You earned it!
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