Monday, May 31, 2010

Healthy Eating on the Road

Are you ready for that summer road trip? You probably worked very hard to get a perfect figure so you would be able to wear that brand new swimsuit. That new body took lots of hard work and sacrifice. But now you are starting to wonder, will taking a road trip ruin my new body? Thinking about food on the road might bring up images of greasy cheeseburgers, French fries and banana splits. All good stuff but not good for your waistline. What is a person to do? Well, read on to learn about eating healthy on the road!

Let’s start with breakfast. Now the International House of Pancakes might remind you of strawberry cheesecake pancakes dripping with whipped cream and lots of syrup. But IHOP has plenty of healthy options on the Ihop for Me Menu. One of my favorites is the Eggbeater omelet loaded with veggies like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms. Add a side of fruit and a large glass of juice and you have completed your fruit requirement for the day! Other options include blueberry pancakes with bananas and whole wheat French toast!

Macaroni Grill
Another great place to get some healthy food is the macaroni grill. They have lots of great stuff to eat like grilled chicken and salads. I went to the one in Kissimmee and ended up with a great meal complete with salmon, broccoli and some asparagus. They even give you crayons to write on the table! Check it out!

Another great stop for travelers is Applebee’s. They have a new under 550 calorie menu with lots of terrific items. I prefer to mix and match the whole wheat penne pasta with some grilled chicken, marinara sauce and a side of veggies. But you can also get shrimp or a nice steak with vegetables for the same amount of calories! Dig in!

Sweet Tomatoes
Last but certainly not least is Sweet Tomatoes. This is one of my favorite stops in Tampa. They have a wonderful salad bar with all types of salad ranging from plain spinach to casear. You can also get some chicken strips, raisins and croutons. There is a wonderful hot bar with lots of pastas, pizza bread and fresh soups. Don’t forget to check out the dessert area before you leave. They have all types of frozen yogurt, sugar free mousse and a variety of different fruits! You get all of that for one price!
We have only scratched the surface. There are so many other great food options out there for healthy eating on the road. Be sure to do a little research beforehand and then go ahead and dig in! Happy Eating!

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