Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life After Graduation: A College Student’s Guide to Kick Starting Your Job Search

Graduation time is here again and many of you may be ready to kiss those books good bye and begin your job search. You have spent four years or more working hard writing papers and studying for those tedious exams. A degree is going to be mailed to you shortly but you can’t help but think now what? How do I begin my job search? Well, here are ten tips that you might find useful to help you get started.
Tip 1 Create or Polished resume You may already have a resume but it’s probably not up to date. Make sure you add every internship or job no matter how small. Any work experience will look good to your potential employers. Be sure to proofread your resume for errors.
Tip 2 Make a generic cover letter Many employers will want you to write a cover letter. Make sure yours can be used for multiple job openings. Always geer your cover letter toward the job listing.
Tip 3 Begin your search online The internet is a great tool for finding jobs. Once you have a cover letter and resume, you can check out Snagajob and The UF web site also has some great resources. Don’t forget about Craigslist. I have gotten many jobs from there.
Tip 4 Attend local career fairs UF always has local career fairs. They are free to recent graduates. It’s a good idea to check them out. Don’t forget to bring plenty of copies of your resume and cover letter and dress to impress.
Tip 5 Network Dig out those old business cards. Ask all your friends if they know anyone looking for a good employee. Sometimes word of mouth is a good tool for landing a new job.
Tip 6 Visit Different Places of Employment Drive over to your local mall. Ask for an application at your local grocery store. Experience is experience so be flexible.
Tip 7 Be Prepared to Wait for Your Dream Job Very few students land their dream job right after graduation. It might take a couple of years before you have an executive position. So be prepared to accept another job that might not be your first choice.
Tip 8 Volunteer If you can’t get a job, don’t just sit at home. Volunteer at your local hospital or pet shelter. Sometimes working for free can lead to a lucrative career opportunity that you were not expecting.
Tip 9- Be Patient It could take a long time to get a job. So be prepared to wait and don’t get too stressed out if you don’t hear from employers right away.
Tip 10- Don’t Give Up- Job hunting can be a long tedious process. You didn’t complete a four year degree overnight so don’t expect to get a job overnight. Just remain positive and don’t get stressed out over not getting a job right away.
Your time will come so keep a smile on your face and enjoy being a new graduate. Soon you will have that new job or dream job and be saying so how many more years until I can collect social security and retire!

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