Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another Tuition Hike for Undergraduate UF Students?

Let’s begin our journey into the world of politics by exploring a simple political issue that is close to home. I found out about this issue just from reading the Alligator and So here is a practical example of ways to become more politically informed. In this blog entry, I will just explain the issue and you can feel free to leave feedback for me in the comments section of my blog.
Each year, Florida universities are allowed to raise tuition by 5 percent. However, this year, Governor Charlie Christ passed a new law to raise tuition for undergraduates by $5.79 per credit hour. The reason that this increase is so high has to do with a special fee that was added in. Forty percent of this new fee will be used to support the Gator Grad Care program. A lot of undergraduates will find this to be unfair because they are paying for services that do not apply to them.
According to, this tuition increase would help the University deal with state budget cuts. In the past, the Bright Futures scholarship program covered these increases, but in this case it will not. Only Florida Prepaid recipients will continue to have their costs covered. also gives a pretty good practical example of how tuition increases would affect a typical undergraduate. The average undergraduate student taking 30 credits a year would pay about $4,732! The national average is about $6,500!
Well, are you impressed? You now have more political knowledge then when the day began. It’s really simple. All you need to do is read about an issue and form an opinion. This will help you to develop political knowledge about things that can affect your life every day. Access to political information is a nice privilege that we have as part of being part of a democracy. Until next time, keep reading and being informed! Don’t forget suggestions for new political blogs and welcomed and encouraged!

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