Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Top Ten Healthiest Summer Foods

Summer has arrived in Gainesville! This means humid mornings in the mid 70’s and sweltering afternoons in the mid 90’s! All of this heat may be very uncomfortable but at least brings some great healthy foods that can satisfy your summer appetite and slim down your waistline!
1. Watermelon- This fruit is great for satisfying your hunger and thirst. It is loaded with vitamins A and C which are great antioxidants. It is also rich in potassium and B vitamins. Last but not least, its only 92 calories for two cups! So dig in!
2. Corn- Any summer barbeque would not be complete without a few ears of corn on the cob. Corn is a great source of vitamin C and folic acid. It can also help to prevent heart disease and the high fiber content will prevent you from going back for that second hamburger! So be sure to have an ear or two at your next barbeque!
3. Zucchini- This is an excellent summer vegetable. It comes in many different colors and varieties. Zucchini is loaded with vitamin C which is great for disease prevention. It also has a high water content which can help with weight loss and dieting!
4. Bean Salads- Beans are a great source of fiber which is great for weight loss because that makes you feel full and prevents over eating. There are lots of different varieties such as black, pinto and kidney beans. All you need to do is toss some greens in a bowl, top it off with beans and you are good to go!
5. Iced Tea- Iced tea is great because it can fill you up and is not loaded with a lot of calories. Try all of the varieties from Crystal light and particularly green tea which is loaded with antioxidants and can help with weight loss!
6. Strawberries- They make a great summer treat. Try them with some sugar free cool whip for a great snack less than 100 calories. You can also add them to smoothies. They are loaded with Vitamin C and have plenty of filling fiber!
7. Frozen Yogurt- This is a great way to have a treat and get some extra calcium. Frozen yogurt is a low fat dessert. So if you are craving something sweet, try some. It comes in a variety of flavors. Top it off with some fruit for extra vitamins and fiber!
8. Melons- Melons are an excellent summer fruit as well. They are loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Try a cup of cantaloupe or honey dew for a great treat less than 100 calories!
9. Chilled Soups-When you think of soup, you may think of comfort food on a cold winter day. But cool soups can help you feel fuller and eat less at mealtime. They just need to be consumed at the beginning of a meal. Good examples are cucumber dill or gazpacho.
10. Tomatoes- Last but not least are tomatoes. Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene and vitamin C. They can help prevent cancer and fill you up with fiber! So add them to your salad and your meals.
We have only scratched the surface discussing ideas for healthy eating during the summer months! Just be creative and look for filling foods without a lot of calories! Happy Eating!

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