Friday, December 3, 2010

Avoid the “Seasonal Seven”: Ten Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The holiday season is a great time to relax and spend time with your family and friends. But it’s also a time when we are surrounded by high calorie foods that put our willpower to the ultimate test. Most of us will indulge in some holiday treats but too much of a good thing can contribute to weight gain. According to, the average adult will gain seven pounds during the holiday season. To avoid this holiday weight gain, you might find some of these tips helpful. Read on and find out how to save yourself from buying a new wardrobe in January!
1. Create a plan- If you have a holiday survival plan, then you will be indulge in a few holiday treats and still be slim. Daily exercise, healthy foods and reducing temptation are three key components of the plan.
2. Daily fitness- Exercise every day. If you exercise each day for 45 minutes, then you can increase that to an hour. Taking a morning walk or always using the stairs are good examples of how you can fit exercise into your busy lifestyle.
3. Seven servings- Eat seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This will help you to feel fuller and be less tempted to eat holiday treats.
4. Never go to a Party Hungry- Make sure that you have a healthy snack before you go to a party. This will help to prevent you from binging on unhealthy treats.
5. Make Socializing a Top Priority- The holidays are supposed to be about talking to people and making up for lost time. So stand around with your friends not at the food table.
6. Limit Yourself to One a Day- Cookies, candy and other high fat treats can be hard to resist. If you limit yourself to one a day, then you will not feel deprived and can exercise more to burn off the extra calories.
Well, I hope these tips will help prevent you from unwanted holiday weight gain. Be sure to check out,
Happy Holiday Eating!!

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