Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Can Holiday Treats be Hazardous to Your Health?

Pecan pie, sugar cookies, frosted cakes and chocolate are just a sample of the variety of delicious treats that are staples of the holiday season. These treats have one thing in common. They are loaded with simple sugars. It’s pretty obvious that simple sugars can cause you to gain weight but did you know they can affect your overall health? Read on to find out about the dangers of too many holiday treats!!
According to, the average American eats 2-3 lbs of sugar per week! When you eat foods that contain a large amount of sugar, your pancreas secrete insulin to help drop your blood sugar levels. An elevated insulin level suppresses your immune system and therefore prevents your body from fighting diseases. Too much sugar can also worsen medical conditions such as asthma, cause diabetes and arthritis.
What can a person do to prevent simple sugar from causing weight gain and other problems? Well you can consume simple sugars in moderation. This can be pretty challenging with delicious treats. It’s hard to stop at just one. This can also create a bad habit causing you to crave them all of the time. It’s important to avoid skipping meals. This tends to create binging later on in the day due to excessive hunger. Be sure to eat healthy snacks such as fruit or nuts to keep hunger levels in check. You also want to read labels (if they are available) to help you find hidden sugars in processed foods.
For more information, visit and Until next time enjoy your sugary treats, in moderation!!!

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