Friday, July 23, 2010

Voice Your Opinion: Are School Uniforms in Alachua County necessary?

Previously in blog land, we talked about the importance of learning about politics and participation in a democracy. This week I will be providing my readers with their first opportunity to express their opinion about an issue or just give me some feedback on this blog. So sit back, read on and get ready to respond.
First, let me explain the issue. It all began on Tuesday, June 1 when the Alachua County school board passed a long debated proposal requiring students in grades K-12 to wear uniforms. The original proposal required khaki pants with navy or white collared shirts but individual schools will be able to choose their own color schemes. Students will need to wear solid color shirts with a collar that do not have any type of embroidery or decoration. They will also be allowed to wear shirts with a crew neck that have the school logo on them.
Now there are advantages and disadvantages to the new uniform policy. Those who favor the policy feel that uniforms will reduce peer pressure and help students feel more comfortable and able to spend time focusing on academics rather than making a fashion statement. This also may cut expenses for parents. They will no longer need to worry about their kids not being in vogue because they do not own the most expensive pair of sneakers.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages. Uniforms rob students of their creativity and right to choose what they want to wear. It could prevent them from expressing themselves freely and can even be considered to some degree undemocratic. There is also the idea that clothes should not play a role in students ability to make friends and be successful in school. In addition, this will take away the option of parents with financial resources to purchase expensive clothing and accessories.
Well, I think that we have covered all of the bases about the pros and cons of school uniforms. Now it is your turn. Please take a minute to give me some feedback or share a story about your experience with school uniforms. Did you wear school uniforms? Tell me your story or a friend’s uniform story. I look forward to hearing from you!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sink or Swim: The Most Vital Skill in the Sunshine State

What is the most popular activity for Floridians? Now think about this for a minute. We live in Florida which is surrounded by water on three sides. Did you guess right? It’s going to the beach or pool. Floridians have the opportunity to spend a good chunk of the time year-round near pools and water. According to the South Florida chapter of the American Red Cross, 90 % of Floridians plan to participate in water related activities this summer. 48% of these individuals who were surveyed had a near drowning experience and 1 in 3 of these incidents occurred between the ages of 5 and 15. Therefore, learning how to swim is a vital skill for Florida residents. What are some swimming safety tips? Where can you go in Gainesville to learn this vital skill? Read on to learn about the benefits of this skill.
1. Learn proper swimming techniques. If you can’t swim well, then you are at a greater risk for drowning. You also will not be able to help anyone else in trouble in the water.
2. Keeps life saving equipment nearby when you are near water- You never know when an emergency might occur. Therefore, it’s important to have a life jacket, ring buoy, first aid kit, pole, emergency contact information and a cell phone.
3. Never leave children unattended- Children need to be supervised at all times when in or near the water. Older children who are good swimmers still need supervision and those with less swimming ability need to wear a floatation device.
4. Be aware of your surroundings- Use common sense. Check the local weather and tide reports before planning a day at the beach.
Do you need to learn how to swim but have no idea where to start. There a lot of great resources available in the Gainesville area. Check out the following Websites:
Both of these sites offer classes for infants through adulthood. It’s never too early to start swimming or just take a class to improve your skills. You never know when you will be in a situation where you will need to either sink or swim!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Serious Unknown Threat to College Students

Imagine the following scenario: You are studying for a major exam in the library. During this time, you drink lots of coffee and are in a state of deep concentration. After finishing up your study session, you realize that you are late to class. You grab your books and accidently leave your student loan paperwork on the table. Later on, you realize that it’s missing but think that it’s not a big deal. But this paperwork contains personal information about you which is a dream come true for an identity thief. Each year 10 million people are the victim of identity theft. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the majority of these individuals are between the ages of 18 and 29. You might be wondering what is identity theft. Why are college students so vulnerable? How can I prevent myself from being a victim? Read on to find out more.
Identity theft is using another person’s personal information such as their birth certificate, driver’s license or social security number for illegal purposes. College students are vulnerable to this type of crime because they feel that they are invincible. They often discuss private information while talking on their cell phone and order books online using a credit card. In addition, they tend to throw away credit cards without shredding them, live with roommates in a dorm and are not careful about properly discarding old credit cards. These examples of careless behavior leave them open to becoming victims of identity theft.
How can you prevent identity theft? Follow these simple tips.
1. Keep your personal information in a safe place. It might be a good idea to buy a small personal safe in order to store credit card statements, information about student loans etc.
2. Don’t show off personal information in public- It’s not necessary to show everyone you meet your new driver’s license picture or latest credit card. Keep that to yourself.
3. Always lock your doors- If you live with roommates, be sure to keep your personal belongings under lock and key.
4. Be careful online- Don’t give out your passwords. You also want to make sure that you only use credit card information on secure sites.
5. Keep your identity private- Do not give out personal information on social networking sites such as Facebook. Be careful about who receives this type of information.
Well now you know that college students are at greatest risk for identity theft. Make sure you follow these tips and be aware of your surroundings. The worst thing is to be a victim of a never ending crime! Learn more at!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Can Living in the Sunshine State be Deadly?

According to the American Cancer Society, a Florida resident is diagnosed with skin cancer every two hours. Each year more than one million people are diagnosed with basal or squamous skin cancer. These statistics are proof that those hours of sitting out in the sun or spending too much time in a tanning bed, can lead to skin cancer. Read on to find out more about the types of skin cancer, causes and methods of prevention.
There are three types of skin cancer: basal, squamous cell and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma causes 90% of all skin cancers. If caught early, it can be treated. But if left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body causing a lot of damage. Squamous cell appears in the form of nodules on the face, ears, mouth and lips. It is also easy to treat if found early. Melanoma is a rare type of skin cancer but is associated with most of the skin cancer deaths.
Skin cancer is usually caused by too much exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation. These rays can also come from a tanning bed. Individuals who are fair skinned or Caucasian, have natural red or blond hair, a family history of skin cancer and many moles on the skin are more at risk for developing skin cancer. Speaking of moles, you need to on the lookout for moles that look suspicious. The best way to do this is to use the ABC method.
A- ASYMMETRY- Moles that are not symmetrical can usually be a sign of trouble. Be sure to have any mole that appears to be different on one side checked out by your doctor.
B- BORDER- Examine a mole’s border. If a mole has an irregular border, then you need to show it to your doctor.
C- COLOR- Normal moles are usually one color. If you see one that appears to have multiple colors, then that is a red flag that you need to see a doctor ASAP!
Now that you have a little bit more information about skin cancer, you might be wondering if it can be prevented. The answer is yes.
Always wear sun block. Be careful about reading the different sun block labels because a new study has linked anti-aging sun blocks that contain Vitamin A with contributing to an increased risk for developing skin cancer. Sun block with an SPF of 15 or higher should be sufficient. Be sure to apply sun block 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure and every two hours when spending time outdoors.
Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. These are the times of the day that the rays are the strongest.
Stay in the shade. This will help to keep you cooler and prevent skin cancer.
Wear protective clothing such as hats to limit your sun exposure.
Remember the sun is not all bad. It can be a good source of vitamin D but too much exposure can put you at risk for skin cancer. So follow these tips and enjoy the Florida sunshine!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Latest Technology Gadgets for Back to School

With summer drawing to a close, you are probably dreading the thought of going back to school. The usual daily routine of homework, papers, studying and textbooks is making you wish that you could stop time and have a never ending summer. But going back to school is not all bad. There is a whole batch of new technology which can make going to school a lot easier and even fun! Read on to find out about the top 5 gadgets for 2010!
1. iphone 4- The iphone4 is definitely one of the coolest on the market. It lets you surf the web, make video calls and record video. One of the special features of this phone is that you can record video in high definition! This is a great feature for taking pictures of all those cool campus events! The iphone 4 starts at $199!
2. ipod touch- This device is perfect for those who want the ability to surf the Web, download music and share photos on the go. It does not have any phone capabilities but can be a good option for those who already have Internet service on their phones or those who do not want to be confined to AT&T.
3. ipad- This is the latest computer technological innovation. It lets you search the internet, send an email or listen to music easily with its unique touch screen. The ipad weighs only 1.7 lbs which makes it super easy to carry with you to class or study groups. It also has over 200 aps for your iphone and ipad touch. For only $499, you can have a great new study tool!
4. Kindle- A new electronic reading device lets you download thousands of books at your fingertips in 60 seconds. It comes with a 6 inch screen and holds up to 1,500 books. There is also a built in PDF document reader and a read out loud feature. You can preview the first chapter before purchasing the book. This is a great way to consolidate all your reading materials for under $200!
5. Droid and Andriod- In an effort to compete with AT&T, Verizon and T mobile have come out with the Droid and Andriod, respectively. Both phones have video and Internet capabilities but have still not yet reached the same potential as the iphone. At $149, they are still a good deal if you have any of these phone carriers!
Well now you are in the know about all of the latest technology, is it time to go ask your parents for money or take out a loan? Not exactly! Technology changes so rapidly that within a few months your ipod might cost as much as a DVD player!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The UF Student’s Guide to Choosing a Major

The summer will soon be over. In a little over a month, it will be time to put those leisurely days of lying in the sun by the pool behind you. No more sleeping in. Dust off that old alarm clock and get ready for some intensive hours of studying. Going back to school might be something you want to avoid due to a common problem shared among many students. What am I going to major in? It’s really a big question but no need to feel overwhelmed. Selecting a major does not have to be a painful process. Here are some useful tips to think about while you are getting that summer tan!
1. Pick a major that you like- This may seem like common sense but many students often get stuck in a major that does not appeal to them because the requirements were less demanding. Choosing the easy way out may be a temporary fix but it will not do anything to help provide you with a blueprint for a long term career.
2. Be realistic- It’s important to understand all of the components that are required in your major. For example, if you want to major in English, will you be overwhelmed reading a great deal of literary works each semester and completing a lot of written assignments? If you feel that it will work out for you, then go for it!
3. Read a Book about Majors- There are great examples of guides that can help you select a college major. Jump on Google to search for them or visit your college career center for assistance.
4. Talk to a Counselor- Counselors can be a great source of advice for choosing a major. They will be able to provide you with personalized insight and some great resources such as career assessment tests. These tests can help you choose a major that is right for you.
5. Take your major for a test drive- After you have selected a potential major, test it out by taking one class instead of a full course load in that particular field. This will help you to see if it’s right for you and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed!
6. Volunteer- This is a great way to see if a career is right for you. If you dream of becoming a doctor, spend a Saturday at Shands. This will give you hands on experience in that field and provide you with some important career decision making tools.
7. Choose a major early- If you pick a major early in your college career, it will be easier to change sooner rather than later.
8. Be sure to check out prerequisites- Before taking any classes in your major field, check out the prerequisites. It’s useless to try to take courses when you did not take the first class in the sequence.
9. Evaluate yourself- Be sure to evaluate your strong and weak areas. The worst thing to do when choosing a major is to pick a field where you lack the necessary skills such as math or science.
10. Enjoy the ride- Your major is only the foundation for your career path. It does not mean that it’s your ultimate career choice. Be flexible and you will find the right career choice for you. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!