Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The UF Student’s Guide to Choosing a Major

The summer will soon be over. In a little over a month, it will be time to put those leisurely days of lying in the sun by the pool behind you. No more sleeping in. Dust off that old alarm clock and get ready for some intensive hours of studying. Going back to school might be something you want to avoid due to a common problem shared among many students. What am I going to major in? It’s really a big question but no need to feel overwhelmed. Selecting a major does not have to be a painful process. Here are some useful tips to think about while you are getting that summer tan!
1. Pick a major that you like- This may seem like common sense but many students often get stuck in a major that does not appeal to them because the requirements were less demanding. Choosing the easy way out may be a temporary fix but it will not do anything to help provide you with a blueprint for a long term career.
2. Be realistic- It’s important to understand all of the components that are required in your major. For example, if you want to major in English, will you be overwhelmed reading a great deal of literary works each semester and completing a lot of written assignments? If you feel that it will work out for you, then go for it!
3. Read a Book about Majors- There are great examples of guides that can help you select a college major. Jump on Google to search for them or visit your college career center for assistance.
4. Talk to a Counselor- Counselors can be a great source of advice for choosing a major. They will be able to provide you with personalized insight and some great resources such as career assessment tests. These tests can help you choose a major that is right for you.
5. Take your major for a test drive- After you have selected a potential major, test it out by taking one class instead of a full course load in that particular field. This will help you to see if it’s right for you and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed!
6. Volunteer- This is a great way to see if a career is right for you. If you dream of becoming a doctor, spend a Saturday at Shands. This will give you hands on experience in that field and provide you with some important career decision making tools.
7. Choose a major early- If you pick a major early in your college career, it will be easier to change sooner rather than later.
8. Be sure to check out prerequisites- Before taking any classes in your major field, check out the prerequisites. It’s useless to try to take courses when you did not take the first class in the sequence.
9. Evaluate yourself- Be sure to evaluate your strong and weak areas. The worst thing to do when choosing a major is to pick a field where you lack the necessary skills such as math or science.
10. Enjoy the ride- Your major is only the foundation for your career path. It does not mean that it’s your ultimate career choice. Be flexible and you will find the right career choice for you. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!

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