Friday, July 23, 2010

Voice Your Opinion: Are School Uniforms in Alachua County necessary?

Previously in blog land, we talked about the importance of learning about politics and participation in a democracy. This week I will be providing my readers with their first opportunity to express their opinion about an issue or just give me some feedback on this blog. So sit back, read on and get ready to respond.
First, let me explain the issue. It all began on Tuesday, June 1 when the Alachua County school board passed a long debated proposal requiring students in grades K-12 to wear uniforms. The original proposal required khaki pants with navy or white collared shirts but individual schools will be able to choose their own color schemes. Students will need to wear solid color shirts with a collar that do not have any type of embroidery or decoration. They will also be allowed to wear shirts with a crew neck that have the school logo on them.
Now there are advantages and disadvantages to the new uniform policy. Those who favor the policy feel that uniforms will reduce peer pressure and help students feel more comfortable and able to spend time focusing on academics rather than making a fashion statement. This also may cut expenses for parents. They will no longer need to worry about their kids not being in vogue because they do not own the most expensive pair of sneakers.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages. Uniforms rob students of their creativity and right to choose what they want to wear. It could prevent them from expressing themselves freely and can even be considered to some degree undemocratic. There is also the idea that clothes should not play a role in students ability to make friends and be successful in school. In addition, this will take away the option of parents with financial resources to purchase expensive clothing and accessories.
Well, I think that we have covered all of the bases about the pros and cons of school uniforms. Now it is your turn. Please take a minute to give me some feedback or share a story about your experience with school uniforms. Did you wear school uniforms? Tell me your story or a friend’s uniform story. I look forward to hearing from you!

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