Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Latest Technology Gadgets for Back to School

With summer drawing to a close, you are probably dreading the thought of going back to school. The usual daily routine of homework, papers, studying and textbooks is making you wish that you could stop time and have a never ending summer. But going back to school is not all bad. There is a whole batch of new technology which can make going to school a lot easier and even fun! Read on to find out about the top 5 gadgets for 2010!
1. iphone 4- The iphone4 is definitely one of the coolest on the market. It lets you surf the web, make video calls and record video. One of the special features of this phone is that you can record video in high definition! This is a great feature for taking pictures of all those cool campus events! The iphone 4 starts at $199!
2. ipod touch- This device is perfect for those who want the ability to surf the Web, download music and share photos on the go. It does not have any phone capabilities but can be a good option for those who already have Internet service on their phones or those who do not want to be confined to AT&T.
3. ipad- This is the latest computer technological innovation. It lets you search the internet, send an email or listen to music easily with its unique touch screen. The ipad weighs only 1.7 lbs which makes it super easy to carry with you to class or study groups. It also has over 200 aps for your iphone and ipad touch. For only $499, you can have a great new study tool!
4. Kindle- A new electronic reading device lets you download thousands of books at your fingertips in 60 seconds. It comes with a 6 inch screen and holds up to 1,500 books. There is also a built in PDF document reader and a read out loud feature. You can preview the first chapter before purchasing the book. This is a great way to consolidate all your reading materials for under $200!
5. Droid and Andriod- In an effort to compete with AT&T, Verizon and T mobile have come out with the Droid and Andriod, respectively. Both phones have video and Internet capabilities but have still not yet reached the same potential as the iphone. At $149, they are still a good deal if you have any of these phone carriers!
Well now you are in the know about all of the latest technology, is it time to go ask your parents for money or take out a loan? Not exactly! Technology changes so rapidly that within a few months your ipod might cost as much as a DVD player!

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