Sunday, September 26, 2010

Your Money’s Best Friend: Electronic Banking

Put yourself in the following situation: Its Friday night and you have a hot date. You want to take her out to dinner and a late night film. Its 5 p.m. and you already spent most of your paycheck on the latest online game. You are curious about your account balance but the bank is closed and you left their phone number in your other jeans. What can you do? Well don’t fear because electronic banking can save the day. Now I am talking way beyond ATM’s. Your computer or mobile phone are about to become money managing devices. Read on to find out more.
Although many banks and credit unions have electronic capabilities, we will use Bank of America as an example for two reasons. I am most familiar with their services and they have a good comprehensive list of electronic services. Firstly, it takes only a few short minutes to sign up at their website. After, you have created an account, your checking and saving account balances will be visible to you with the click of a mouse key or by a few keystrokes on your cell phone. You will also be able to set it up so you can view your Bank of America credit card statement and available credit.
Now that you set up an account, let’s look at some other types of services that are available. There is online bill pay. This allows you to set up automatic electronic payments, receive electronic bills and review payments all from your computer or mobile device. You can even have your rent paid automatically every month. Save time and a stamp! Text banking is another convenient way to keep track of your money. A simple text message can provide you with your account balance and recent activity. Finally, there is a transfer feature. You can transfer money from one bank of America account in a matter of minutes to another Bank of America account or other financial institution. This service is great because its quick and free of charge.
Basically we have only scratched the surface in educating you about all of the great electronic banking services that are available. Be sure to check them out for yourself! Happy banking!

Up Close and Personal with Online Gamer Ron Germany

Online gaming is a popular way for college students to spend their free time. Many students spend hours playing these games. Gaming has become so popular that some experienced players are in major league gaming tournaments and they can be sponsored by major companies such as Pepsi. But what types of games are popular? On line Gamer, Ron Germany gives us an up close and personal look behind the scenes of online games.
Ron Germany (an online gamer who wants to be identified by his screen name) played Sim City and Wolfenson online. Now he plays games on his console. His current favorites are Madden and Halo. All it took for Ron to get involved in online gaming was his stepdad bringing home a game. He liked it and enjoyed the ability to play with multiple players. Lots of online games have story lines which enables the player to get intimately involved with the characters. Ron says, “ Online gamers find a lot of good people out there and you end up with a whole new set of friends which adds a whole new aspect to the game.”
Ron also talked about the ability for online gamers to make videos which can be uploaded to Youtube or On these sites, anyone from friends to family can watch you play. You can edit your moves and make a nice video.
Online gaming also has a dark side. It can be very addictive. Ron Germany said that the World of Warcraft (WOW) has ruined peoples lives causing them to lose families over their addiction since they would just sit in front of the computer playing the game 24/7.
Currently, Ron Germany has switched to playing on a Console or X box. He finds matchmaking to be better for his game. Using a computer can effect the quality of your game. Some factors that can effect this quality are internet connection and type of computer. Playing offline can help you to focus more on playing your best game possible.
Ron Germany enjoys online gaming but he wanted to make sure to clear up a major misconception about it. “There is a misconception about online gaming. People assume that you just sit in a dark room all day and play games. You have no life.” According to Ron, this is not true. He attends school and has two jobs. So gaming is not his whole life just a fun pastime.
Hope you enjoyed this look at online gaming. Until next time, happy gaming!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Student Health Center Uncovered

Whether you are a freshman or graduating senior, you have probably become sick at least once and wondered about on campus medical services. Maybe, you went to the student health center and used some of their services. Either way, today you will learn about the vast array of services that are available for UF students and even some for parents!
First let’s start with parents. The Student Health Center has a new email system that parents can subscribe to and receive information about services and any health outbreaks. UF also collects a health fee as part of student tuition. This enables students to visit the doctor at no charge. But there is a small fee for x-rays, lab work and prescriptions. They also offer health insurance that can be purchased.
Now let’s move onto explore some of the services available at the health center. The Student Health Center actually has three locations. The main clinic is located near the Florida Gym across from Weimer hall. Some of the services they provide are an allergy clinic, women’s health, dermatology, sports medicine and massage therapy. One nice part about the student health center is the continuity of care. Students are assigned to a particular team who provides their care throughout their stay at UF.
The second location is at Shands. They offer similar services like a women’s clinic and primary care. They also offer occupational medicine which features a smoking cessation and a needle stick education program.
The last location is across from Lake Alice. They offer limited services like massage therapy, stress reduction and spa treatments.
That’s a lot of information! If you need additional information about the student health center visit Until next time, stay well!

Is Protest Effective in Producing Change

Recently, Reverend Terry Jones, of Gainesville, threatened to burn the Quran to demonstrate his feelings of hatred toward Muslims. Although, Jones never went through with his plans, he created an uproar among people throughout the nation and became the main subject of discussion among people. Jones’ plan to burn the Quran is also a good example of protesting. Protests have been used throughout history to create change, But how do we define protesting and has it been effective in producing change. Read on and find out more.
According to Wikipedia, a protest is defined as something that expresses a strong reaction to situations and events. A protest can be violent or nonviolent. Protesting dates back to the 18th century in American with events such as the Boston Tea Party that lead to the American Revolution. This enabled the colonies to get out from under control of the British Empire and create their own government. Another major protest in American history was the succession from the United States of some Southern states who wanted to keep slavery. Later, came the Civil Rights Movement and equal rights for women. This involved nonviolent protests which helped to produce change. Some examples of the Civil Rights protests were the Montgomery bus boycott and sit-ins. Martin Luther King was one of the major players in this movement. Other protests were against the Viet Nam conflict. Protests have been an active part of the Right To Life groups who want to get Roe VS Wade reversed and outlaw abortions. Recent protests involved antiwar demonstrations such as the March on Washington in 2007. Unfortunately, this protest could not stop the war in Iraq.
Historically, protests have generally been successful in producing change. Threatened protests can also produce a lot of discussion and debate as in the case of Terry Jones. Now it’s your turn to weigh in, have you ever been involved in a protest. If you have, I want to hear about it. It does not matter if it’s just a small on campus one. I look forward to hearing about your protest stories.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Behind the Game: The Popularity of Online Gaming

The Game Show Network did a general survey of individuals who play online games. They found that 60% of them engage in online gaming on a daily basis and spend more than 11 hours a week playing. In fact, the Pew Internet center for internet research found that 70% of college students play some type of video game or computer game. So, what exactly are online games? Read further to find out some information on this popular leisure activity for college students.
An online game is defined as any game played over some type of a computer network. According to Wikipedia, the term sometimes is confused with online gambling. But online gambling often involves betting money while online gaming does not involve any money. Games can involve a single player or many players. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOG) enabled hundreds of thousands of players to play the same game at the same time. Games that are very popular tend to be 3 dimensional. Online games can be addictive since they are free and readily available 24/7. The next section will talk about some popular websites where you can download and play free online games. These website have lots of different games available such as action, fun, adventure, puzzle, racing, driving and sports. All of these games are free and can be downloaded immediately.

Be sure to check out some online gaming sites! Happy gaming!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Do College Students Need a Flu Shot?

According to, nine to twenty percent of college students each year come down with the flu. This usually results in missed classes and poor school performance. Getting a flu shot can significantly reduce your chances of getting the flu. But before we get into that, let’s take a few minutes to learn about the flu.
The flu season usually begins in October and runs through March. There are two different types of flu viruses. The most common is the influenza virus. This usually infects the respiratory tract. It can cause fevers, headaches, a general feeling of tiredness, a sore throat and even nausea or vomiting. In 2009, another strain of influenza was identified call H1N1. Although, it has similar symptoms to influenza, it can be more difficult to treat because the human body has never been exposed to that type of virus. Healthy young adults are more susceptible to this type of flu virus unlike the other strain which is most likely to affect those with weakened immune systems. This year’s flu vaccine is designed to protect individuals from the regular seasonal strain of influenza, the H1N1 virus and another strain of the flu.
Now you might be wondering, should I get a flu shot? Where can I get one and how can I stay healthy? Well, I am about to answer all of these questions. This year, the CDC recommends that everyone 6 months or older receive the flu vaccine. Flu vaccines are available on campus and at all of your local drug stores for a small fee. Even if you get a flu vaccine, remember the following tips will help you to stay healthy and ward off the flu:
1. Wash your hands frequently or carry hand sanitizer.
2. Eat a healthy diet and drink lots of fluids
3. Stay home if you are sick to prevent spreading germs.
For more information, check out
Until next time, stay well!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Guide to Getting a Well Rounded Education in Gainesville

Students who come to UF often have two things on their minds: partying and football. Although these are important parts of college life, they are not things that are part of a well rounded education. Obviously, a good education consists of a diverse academic curriculum. But this is still only a small component. Gainesville, Florida is rich in cultural activities which provide a lot of great learning opportunities outside the classroom. Read on to find out more.
1. The Phillips Center for the Performing Arts- offers a nice variety of different types of shows Latin American music, orchestras and dance shows. Students can get involved by checking them out on Face book or Twitter. There is also the opportunity for internships and a $40 yearly membership fee that includes an inside look at the theater and upcoming events.
2. The Hippodrome Theatre- features both on and off Broadway plays. They also have foreign films and opportunities for students to get involved. There are summer internships and acting workshops for teens.
3. Free Fridays Concert Series- every year from May-October there is a free concert series in the Bo Diddley Community Plaza. This takes place every Friday night. So grab a chair and prepare to hear some great music.
4. 10th Annual Regional Juried Exhibition- The Thomas Center is the location for this particular exhibit. It runs through September 17 and features 43 works of art presented in different media.
5. Florida Museum of Natural History- this offers lots of opportunities for learning and growth. They have a CSI insect’s exhibit and an upcoming one about butterflies. You can visit their website at to find out more about the exhibits and membership.
More information on these places can be found at the following web sites:
Now that you have a taste of some of the cultural and other events available outside of UF, your homework assignment will be check one out and come back with feedback. Until next time, have fun exploring culture