Sunday, September 12, 2010

Behind the Game: The Popularity of Online Gaming

The Game Show Network did a general survey of individuals who play online games. They found that 60% of them engage in online gaming on a daily basis and spend more than 11 hours a week playing. In fact, the Pew Internet center for internet research found that 70% of college students play some type of video game or computer game. So, what exactly are online games? Read further to find out some information on this popular leisure activity for college students.
An online game is defined as any game played over some type of a computer network. According to Wikipedia, the term sometimes is confused with online gambling. But online gambling often involves betting money while online gaming does not involve any money. Games can involve a single player or many players. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOG) enabled hundreds of thousands of players to play the same game at the same time. Games that are very popular tend to be 3 dimensional. Online games can be addictive since they are free and readily available 24/7. The next section will talk about some popular websites where you can download and play free online games. These website have lots of different games available such as action, fun, adventure, puzzle, racing, driving and sports. All of these games are free and can be downloaded immediately.

Be sure to check out some online gaming sites! Happy gaming!

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