Friday, September 10, 2010

Do College Students Need a Flu Shot?

According to, nine to twenty percent of college students each year come down with the flu. This usually results in missed classes and poor school performance. Getting a flu shot can significantly reduce your chances of getting the flu. But before we get into that, let’s take a few minutes to learn about the flu.
The flu season usually begins in October and runs through March. There are two different types of flu viruses. The most common is the influenza virus. This usually infects the respiratory tract. It can cause fevers, headaches, a general feeling of tiredness, a sore throat and even nausea or vomiting. In 2009, another strain of influenza was identified call H1N1. Although, it has similar symptoms to influenza, it can be more difficult to treat because the human body has never been exposed to that type of virus. Healthy young adults are more susceptible to this type of flu virus unlike the other strain which is most likely to affect those with weakened immune systems. This year’s flu vaccine is designed to protect individuals from the regular seasonal strain of influenza, the H1N1 virus and another strain of the flu.
Now you might be wondering, should I get a flu shot? Where can I get one and how can I stay healthy? Well, I am about to answer all of these questions. This year, the CDC recommends that everyone 6 months or older receive the flu vaccine. Flu vaccines are available on campus and at all of your local drug stores for a small fee. Even if you get a flu vaccine, remember the following tips will help you to stay healthy and ward off the flu:
1. Wash your hands frequently or carry hand sanitizer.
2. Eat a healthy diet and drink lots of fluids
3. Stay home if you are sick to prevent spreading germs.
For more information, check out
Until next time, stay well!

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