Sunday, September 26, 2010

Up Close and Personal with Online Gamer Ron Germany

Online gaming is a popular way for college students to spend their free time. Many students spend hours playing these games. Gaming has become so popular that some experienced players are in major league gaming tournaments and they can be sponsored by major companies such as Pepsi. But what types of games are popular? On line Gamer, Ron Germany gives us an up close and personal look behind the scenes of online games.
Ron Germany (an online gamer who wants to be identified by his screen name) played Sim City and Wolfenson online. Now he plays games on his console. His current favorites are Madden and Halo. All it took for Ron to get involved in online gaming was his stepdad bringing home a game. He liked it and enjoyed the ability to play with multiple players. Lots of online games have story lines which enables the player to get intimately involved with the characters. Ron says, “ Online gamers find a lot of good people out there and you end up with a whole new set of friends which adds a whole new aspect to the game.”
Ron also talked about the ability for online gamers to make videos which can be uploaded to Youtube or On these sites, anyone from friends to family can watch you play. You can edit your moves and make a nice video.
Online gaming also has a dark side. It can be very addictive. Ron Germany said that the World of Warcraft (WOW) has ruined peoples lives causing them to lose families over their addiction since they would just sit in front of the computer playing the game 24/7.
Currently, Ron Germany has switched to playing on a Console or X box. He finds matchmaking to be better for his game. Using a computer can effect the quality of your game. Some factors that can effect this quality are internet connection and type of computer. Playing offline can help you to focus more on playing your best game possible.
Ron Germany enjoys online gaming but he wanted to make sure to clear up a major misconception about it. “There is a misconception about online gaming. People assume that you just sit in a dark room all day and play games. You have no life.” According to Ron, this is not true. He attends school and has two jobs. So gaming is not his whole life just a fun pastime.
Hope you enjoyed this look at online gaming. Until next time, happy gaming!

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