Sunday, October 3, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: What you need to know

According to the CDC, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women and the number one killer in Hispanic women. It’s usually more common in older women but can affect women of any age. Men can get breast cancer as well. So you might be wondering why we are covering this topic. Well October happens to be breast cancer awareness month and there is a lot you need to know about preventing breast cancer and helping others.
Every year in October the American Cancer Society holds a walk called Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. This event helps to raise money for cancer research to help find a cure for breast cancer and educate others about prevention. This year’s walk will take place at the Hippodrome on Saturday October 23, 2010. There are many opportunities for individuals to get involved in fundraising activities. On October 1st, there was a campaign started in Gainesville called paint the town pink which kicked off the series events leading up to the breast cancer walk. Some other upcoming fundraising events are a Ben and Jerry’s fundraiser, Bank Day at Sun Trust and a fashion show at the Salon Academy.
The best way to get involved is just by making a simple donation to the American cancer society. By donating as little as five dollars, you are helping to fund breast cancer research and support a walker. There is also a cool contest for a 64 gallon pink trash can from the city which you can enter simply by donating $5.
Now onto another topic, prevention. The best way to prevent breast or any other cancer is through early detection. It is important that women perform monthly self exams and visit their doctors for a yearly breast exam. Mammograms are recommended for a women over age 40 but earlier for those with a history of breast cancer.
Another informative day in blogland. Until next time, keep helping the fight against breast cancer! Every little bit helps toward the cure!

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