Friday, October 8, 2010

Going Organic: What you need to know

Walk into any supermarket and you are sure to find an all natural or organic section. Mother Earth is the ultimate all natural and organic supermarket. It’s located within walking distance of the University of Florida. There are also some great organic and all natural options on campus and in the Reitz Union. But what does organic mean? Is it necessary to go totally organic or do just certain foods and products need to be organic? Read on to find out more.
Organic means free from pesticides. Pesticides can not only harm you but they also do damage to the environment. It also supports local farmers who are growing organic produce and is healthier for you. Unfortunately, organic food is more expensive. For a college student on a budget, it would not always be your first choice. But if you want to be healthier, you can buy organic varieties of the following twelve fruits and vegetables: celery, pears, nectarines, apples, peaches, cherries, strawberries, potatoes, imported grapes, bell peppers and red raspberries. Over 65% of the non organic varieties that were tested contain pesticides.
On the other hand, it’s perfectly fine to purchases non organic asparagus, broccoli, calflour, bananas, avocado, corn, kiwi, mangos, sweet peas, pineapple and papaya. These fruits and vegetables tend to have a thicker skin and do not absorb pesticides as well as the others on the other list. If you want to be extra careful about pesticides, you can purchase organic dairy products like milk.
Well now that you have all of the information about organic products, your homework assignment is to come visit me at Mother Earth! Happy pesticide free shopping! See you there! For more information on organic foods, visit foods and the

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