Monday, October 11, 2010

The Generation Gap:Different Times Different Trends

Recently on the, a Memphis man shot a teenager because he refused to pull his pants up. The man was irritated that the teen and his friend insisted on walking around dressed in an inappropriate manner. But is this improper dress just a trend that is followed by today’s teenagers? What if it were the other way around and this 45 year old were dressed in a denim jacket and acid washed jeans. These items are not popular articles of clothing in today’s society so a young teenager could have attacked him for the same reason. Now let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at some of the trends of the decades.
We will begin our journey in the 1950’s. During the 50’s, rock and roll music was popular. Elvis Presley was one of the leading rocking and roll stars. Jazz music was also part of the 1950’s music trends. Girls wore poodle and pencil skirts. The leather jacket was the most have fashion trend of this decade for guys. Fast forward ahead to the 1960’s and we have the mini skirt. Other fashion trends included bell bottom pants and platform shoes. Many women abandoned pantyhose in order to make their miniskirts look more attractive. Music during the 1960’s was part of the psychedelic era. Bands such as the Byrds and Bob Dylan believed in the “freedom to create”. They used drugs to empower them to write better songs.
The 1970’s was a time that soft and pop rock became popular. Bands such as The Carpenters and The Eagles. There was also progressive rock, punk rock, hard rock and heavy metal. Fashion trends of the 70’s were the bell bottom pants, turtleneck shirts and sideburns for men. In the 1980’s, heavy metal continued to be popular. There was also the beginning of music videos on MTV. Famous artists including Michael Jackson and Madonna. Leggings, pastel colors and jean jackets were some of the fashion trends.
Moving right along, the 90s was dominated by teen pop. Popular artists included Britney Spears, NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Bleached blonde hair, the wonder bra and hair styles from the set of Friends were in vogue. The new Millennium brought the rise of VHI and more teen pop stars from American Idol. Fashion trends included baggy jeans, flannel tops and stonewashed jeans. Let’s not forget the cell phone which has also become a major fashion accessory.
So what lies ahead for this decade? Will guys return to the days of sideburns or leather or jackets or will pants falling down still be popular among teens? Only time will tell, but history usually repeats itself so hang onto that leather coat for now!

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