Monday, August 30, 2010

Behind the Blog: Up Close and Personal Look at Me

Each week we spend time looking at three topics together. I have covered a wide range of subjects from politics to sexual health. But this week, I thought it would be interesting to devote a blog to the author. In, today’s blog you will learn all about me. I think you might find it to be a cool story. Read on and find out more about my life journey.
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I always had an interest in medicine and for years dreamed about being a doctor. But that dream was put on hold because I had trouble passing organic chemistry. I let this subject stand in my way of pursuing a true passion. Instead, I decided to focus my efforts on graduating from college really early at 18. I went on to get a Master’s degree in Political Science. This was not something that I was passionate but I viewed it as an alternative to medicine.
After getting an MA at 19, I decided to get some life experience. The classroom did not provide me with any real life skills so I did some volunteer work at a radio station and wrote some health articles for a local community college paper. But I was still unfulfilled and decided to work on getting into a doctoral program in political science. I applied for several schools and ended up in the Sunshine state. I was accepted into both the doctoral program in Political Science and a special medical journalism degree program at UF.
I started out in both programs and realized that was too much work. So I spent a year in Political Science only to switch to journalism. I also did an internship in radio where I met my future husband, James.
Fast forward, five years later I am now happily married and the mother of a one week old baby, Tiffany. Nothing that I learned in the classroom could ever prepare me for the challenges of being a mother. It’s been an amazing journey that has only just begun.
Well, thanks for letting me share my story. I would love to hear about you. Take a few minutes to tell me an interesting personal story. See you next time in blog land.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Healthy Foods for Your Tailgate

Gator football season is here. That means lots of orange and blue gear, Saturday football games and lots of tailgating with family and friends. When you think of tailgating food, you might imagine greasy hamburgers, chips with lots of cheese and big juicy steaks. But Gator tailgating does not have to ruin your diet. There are lots of healthy choices that can be a big hit with your guests. So read on to find out more about planning your next healthy tailgate party!
1.Buy Baked chips- Avoid traditional greasy chips and stick to baked varieties. Instead of cheese dip, purchase some salsa. Its made of tomatoes and provides you with lots of antioxidants and lycopene! Dig in!
2.Chilli made with ground turkey- Chili is another favorite tailgating food. It’s mostly made with ground beef. If you want to cut the fat in half substitute with lean turkey and use lots more beans.
3. Use light beer instead of regular- Light beer is just as good as regular beer and it will save you 30 to 50 calories a can!
4. Fruit kabob- Make dessert fun. Try cutting up some easy to manage fruit like pineapple, melon and apples. Let the guests put together their kabobs. Yogurt makes a great dip!
5. Replace red meat with chicken- This will help you cut your fat and calories in half! Chicken is also a great source of lean protein. Feel free to make chicken sandwiches.
6. Try turkey bratwursts. Traditional pork varieties can have up to 43 grams of fat!
For more information check out
Until next time, Happy Tailgating!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Managing Student Debt

According to, the average college student has $2,700 worth of credit card debit. They also have about $19,000 in student loans. Students can take certain steps to prevent and manage. Before you sign up for that card just to get a free magazine subscription or take out a second student loan, read on for some helpful hints.
Tip 1- Plan Ahead- Debt of any kind can be prevented by planning ahead. In order to avoid taking out too many student loans, take some advanced placement courses while still in high school. This can help you to get ahead in college and avoid spending too much money.
Tip 2- Attend a community college- Four year universities tend to be more pricey You can take your basic courses at the local community college and then have them transferred over to the four year school.
Tip 3- Live within your means- Do not buy extravagant items for yourself that you are not able to pay for on the spot. Buying one expensive item can create a bad debt cycle which is hard to break. Instead, visit Wal-Mart and second hand stores for good quality items at a lower price.
Tip 4- Check out work study programs- Many schools allow you to get an on campus job which will pay you a small salary and give you money for tuition as well.
Tip 5- Look for scholarships and grants- There are many opportunities to get free money which does not need to be paid back. Start with the school financial office. They can point you in the right direction.
Tip 6- Only use your credit card for emergencies- If you really need to have a credit card, then only use it for an emergency situations.. This will prevent you from racking up a huge balance and getting stuff that you don’t need.
Until next time, try to stay as debt free as possible! Information for blog was adapted from

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Top Ten Sex Myths for College Students

College life is back in full swing in Gainesville. This means lots of great classes, tons of homework and long informative lectures. But lets be realistic. College life also means lots of drinking, late night parties and sex. Many female students become sexually active while they are away at college. This blog will help debunk some of the myths that college students may have about sex. Make sure you read on before you go out and party.
Myth 1- You can’t get pregnant during your period- There is always a chance that you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex. Your period is not a form of birth control. In fact, the most risky time to have sex is at the end of monthly cycle after the flow has decreased. So be safe even during that time of the month!
Myth 2- Condoms are 100% effective- This is false. There is always a chance that you can become pregnant regardless of the form of birth control that you use. Condoms are very effective against STD’s but its important to have a backup method of birth control just because they can break.
Myth 3- You can’t get pregnant if a man pulls out before ejaculation- This is false. Some men have sperm in their precum. It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.
Myth 4- You can get an STD from a toilet seat- This is not true. Sexually transmitted diseases cannot live outside the human body for long periods of time. They are also not present in urine. So if you sat on a not so clean toilet seat, don’t worry.
Myth 5- You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex- Another myth. It does not matter if its your first or 50th time. According to, 20% of people get pregnant within a month of sex.
Myth 6- You can’t get pregnant if you douche after sex- False. Douching cannot do anything to prevent sperm from entering the cervix after a man ejaculates.
Myth 7- You can’t get pregnant if you shower, bathe or urinate after sex- This is not true. None of these methods can do anything about the sperm that is on its way to fertilize an egg.
Myth 8-Birth control pills are effective immediately- False. Any hormonal method takes time before it can become effective so its important to have a backup plan
Myth 9- Pregnancy cannot occur if a woman does not have an orgasm- False. Pregnancy has nothing to do with whether or not a woman has an orgasm.
Myth 10- There is nothing you can do if the condom breaks- False- Emergency contraception such as Plan B can help prevent pregnancy if taken within 48 hours of having sex.
I hope that I have debunked some of the sex myths for you. The information for this blog was adapted from the following websites:
So if you are ready to have sex, take precautions or in nine months you and your partner will be parents.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Frozen Treats 101

Welcome to Frozen Treats 101! This will be the easiest class that you take in college because there are no tests. Just a little bit of reading about lots of great frozen treats! Lets get started! Before you hit the books, be sure to learn all of the frozen treats available in Gainesville!
1. Dlites- Are you craving ice-cream but don’t want all of the extra calories. Then you need to head over to Dlites. They have two locations and offer delicious low fat soft serve ice-cream. Its only 50 calories per 4 oz serving. With over 100 flavors like peanut butter cake batter and white chocolate macadamia nut, there is something to satisfy every taste bud!
2. TCBY- If you are craving low fat frozen yogurt, then you might want to check out TCBY. They have hand scooped or soft serve yogurt. There are also a variety of options such as shakes, parfaits and even cakes! Dig in!
3. Mochi- Do you like to serve yourself? Are you looking for frozen yogurt loaded with pro biotics? Then Mochi might be the place for you. The newest frozen yogurt craze offers self-serve and about 20 different rotating flavors. They also have lots of great toppings ranging from fruit to fruity pebbles. Be sure to check them out!
4. Red Mango- The newest self serve frozen yogurt place in Gainesville is Red Mango. Red Mango also offers fresh probiotic smoothies and antioxidant teas! There is something to satisfy every appetite and craving!
5. Freshens- They are located right in the Reitz Union! Despite being super convenient, Freshens offers high protein smoothies and frozen yogurt with a wide variety of toppings!
6. Ben and Jerry’s- Ben and Jerry’s offer some great low fat frozen yogurt options like chocolate fudge brownie. They also have low fat and low calorie smoothies as well. There are a lot of places to sit outside so be sure to bring a friend!
7. Karma Cream- Are you craving organic ice cream? Then you might want to check out karma cream. Karma cream is located on University Ave and open 24/7. They also feature organic coffee as well!
Congratulations! You have completed frozen treats 101! Your homework assignment is to pick a place and get a treat ASAP! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to School Health Tips for College Students

With the fall semester just around the corner, thousands of students are getting ready to go back to school. Most of them have their shopping for supplies and other essentials. However, did you know there is a back to school health check list? Your health is your number one priority and it’s important that you check to make sure you have all of the bases covered. This is especially important if you are living in a dorm or away from home the first time. Read on and find out more!
1. Get a checkup- Let’s face it. Most people do not enjoy going to visit the doctor. But it’s important to make sure that you are healthy before you start school. This will also give you the opportunity to make sure that all of your vaccinations are up to date. One important vaccine that college students do not think about is the one for meningitis. The risk of getting meningitis is greater in college dorms. Be sure to ask the doctor to refill any prescriptions that you might need. You also need to make sure that you have a reliable method of birth control and enough of that to get you through the first semester.
2. Make a list- Now that your health history is up to date; be sure you write down any medications that you are taking. You also need to do research about where you will get your medical care while you are away at school. Visit the college’s health clinic before you get sick just to familiarize yourself.
3. Wash your hands frequently- You don’t have to be afraid of germs but it’s important to wash your hands a lot. This will help you to prevent the spread of germs. It can also be a good idea to keep some wet wipes or hand sanitizer in your car or backpack. These are great for times that you do not have access to soap and water.
4. Eat a balanced diet- If you eat poorly or do not consume enough food, then you run the risk of weakening your immune system. Be sure to eat a healthy diet so you can stay in good shape and avoid getting sick.
Most of the information in this blog comes from You can visit their web site for more information. Stay healthy!

Getting in Shape Using Water

What do the majority of apartment complexes in Gainesville have in common? In case you have not guessed, they have a swimming pool. When you think of a swimming pool, you might think of lounging by the pool with a few friends or taking a cool dip in the water. But did you know that a swimming pool is a great place to exercise and get in shape. Read onto find out more about the benefits of swimming.
Swimming can help you by keeping your heart and lungs in good shape. It does this by building up your endurance and cardio-vascular fitness. This can be a great way to start or end another type of non water workout. For example, if you swim before running it can help to get your heart rate up. But if you swim after you run, then it will help you to cool down. This can also help your muscles to relax.
Calorie burning is another benefit of swimming. Swimming can burn 3 calories a mile per pound of body weight. gives a good example to help us understand this concept. If a person weighs 150 lbs, and it take 30 minutes to swim one mile, then you will burn 900 calories per hour. But this also varies with the type of swimming that a person engages in like a breast stroke or back stroke. For estimates on this type of information or to customize your fitness program to your weight, visit
Swimming also can be a fun social activity. You can encourage your friends to go swimming with you so they can also enjoy the same health benefits. This will enable you to get together with them while sharing a common activity and get in shape at the same time.
Unfortunately, swimming is not the best exercise for significant weight loss. According to the on-line Merck Manual, swimming has a cooling effect so you may burn a lot of calories while in the pool but this calorie burning process stops as soon as you get out of the water. This is why land exercises such as walking or running are better for a large amount of weight loss.
Are you ready to jump in the water? Well, check out for more information on swimming! Don’t forget to bring a towel so you can dry off!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Binge Drinking: Important Information for UF Students

Binge drinking is a major problem on college campuses. UF is no exception. According to a recent Gainesville sun article, President Bernie Machen started an anti-binge drinking campaign in the 2004-2005 school years. This required college freshman to take an online alcohol class before they could register for classes. The course requirement resulted in a large decrease in “alcohol consequences” such as rape. But what else is being done? Before we get into that, let’s talk about binge drinking and some of the side effects. defines binge drinking as “downing more than five alcoholic drinks at a time in one sitting.” College students usually binge drink as a fun social activity but it can have serious even deadly consequences. After a binge, drinkers usually wake up with a bad headache, vomiting and unable to remember what they during the period of heavy drinking. Some other consequences include alcohol poisoning, unwanted pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Binge drinking on a regular basis can cause infertility, liver disease and even cancer.
Recently the city of Gainesville passed an ordinance banning ladies night. They said that ladies night is considered a violation of the city’s anti-discrimination policy. But the bars found a way to get around it by having high heels night. This can include men and women. So if men are willing to shave their legs and wear high heels, then they can participate in this night as well.
In addition, restaurants like The Swamp Restaurant and 101 Cantina started a new policy on July 1. After 9 p.m., these places will not admit customers who are under age 21. This is supposed to cut down on underage drinking.
Now it’s time for you to give your opinion. Share your experiences about binge drinking. Do you think the city is justified in taking action to eliminate ladies night? I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to School on a Budget Part I: Style

With the fall semester only two weeks away, it’s time to start getting prepared. That means lots of shopping and spending money. Shopping is a lot of fun but spending money can be difficult when you are on a tight budget. In this two part series, I will give you some tips on how to save money on everything from clothing to home essentials. We will start with clothing and part 2 will cover the other basics.
There are lots of web sites that have a ton of information on back to school fashion. For some simple ideas, I checked out and Seventeen’s website says this year’s trends are a bomber, skinny jeans, tribal prints, bright sneakers, textured leather boots, bangles and floral headbands. Teen talks about sleek mini dresses and rugged boots. You might be thinking, how I can emulate these designer trends on a budget. Read on for some examples of where you can get the latest trends at a discount!
1. Wal-Mart- Wal-Mart is one of the best places to get clothing at a discount price. They have lots of cute dresses, accessories and shoes for under $20! The great thing is no sale days. Wal-Mart has everyday low prices and you don’t have to worry about sales!
2. JC Penny- This is a great place to get fashionable clothes and accessories at good prices. Be sure to pay attention to their sale days. On Saturdays, from 9-1 p.m. you can get some great deals on basics like tank tops, denim and accessories. If you want some summer clothes at terrific prices, check out the Labor Day sales.
3. Kohls- Kohl’s always has great weekly sales. You can get extra 15% off coupons by joining their mailing list or just going to their web site. Join their email list for weekly deals. The weekends are the best time to save money!
4. Target- This is another good option. They are a little more expensive than Wal-Mart but you can get some pretty good brands at great prices!
5. Online shopping or consignment shops- When all else fails, you can get technically savvy by checking out deals online. Most of these stores that I mentioned above have great online deals and coupons. There is also eBay and For those of you, who are dye hard shoppers, check out consignment shops like Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
Remember, fashion is what you make it. If you can’t afford to buy this season’s trends, then make your own. There is always someone ready to follow a new trend!

Back to School on a Budget- Part 2- Supplies and Dorm Essentials

Previously on back to school on a budget, we talked about the latest styles and how to get them on a budget. This time we have a similar topic. For many students, going to back to school means living away from home for the first time. Dorm room furniture and other necessities can add up pretty quickly. Therefore, it’s important to have a list of dorm room essentials so you can be prepared and not ruin your budget.
There are several items that can be considered dorm room essentials. Some of them are comforters, blankets, lamps, desk for school work, a mini fridge, sheets and pillowcases. These are just the basics. Many students feel that electronics such as flat screen televisions, video gaming systems, an Ipad and laptop are also essential. In reality, a laptop or desktop computer are the only electronic essentials. So, where do you begin? Well check out the list below for some ideas.
Wal Mart and Best Buy are the best places to get started. Wal mart has lots of great dorm essentials like sheets and comforters at affordable prices. You can even color coordinate and match separates. This will make your room look and feel more like home. There is also Target and JC Penny but these places will be a little pricier. You can always shop online and ask friends to see if they have any slightly used items.
One last thing. You will also need lots of supplies. Check out Wal Mart and Walgreens for great deals on folders, pens, notebook paper, etc! Good Luck and Happy back to school shopping!

An Old Card Game Revival Among College Students

According to an article from the Gainesville sun in 2006, more than 6,700 University of Florida male students were regular poker players. Poker has seemed to become popular among college students because they like to gamble. It also gives them another opportunity to get together in a social setting.
The Internet has also played a big role in poker’s expansion. At the beginning of poker’s rise in popularity in 2006, 580,000 people between the ages of 14 and 22 played poker online. Online poker makes it even easier for students to get into the game because most are very technologically savvy. The Internet is also very convenient so they can easily access different online poker games and tournaments.
You might be wondering, is poker still popular in Gainesville today? How can I get involved in a poker tournament? Well, Poker still is very popular today in Gainesville. One good way to get started is to just go online. I will recommend a few good web sites for local poker tournament information.
1. Gainesville Free Texas Holdem Poker- This site is a great resource for those who want to get involved in a local tournament. There are many events available at local bars. If you are a poker player or know someone who is, then you might want to check it out.
2. Ocala Poker- offers daily tournaments. This web site will provide you with information for players of all different skill levels. There is also a poker dealer training course for those who want to enhance their skills.
3. This website offers all of the information you need to get started playing online poker.
Want more opportunities to play poker with your friends? Recently, there was a poker tournament at Oxford Manor. This one was set up by Paradigm properties but you can start one at your dorm just by getting together some friends on the same day! Happy poker playing!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is National Geek Month?

Think back to elementary school. What do you remember most about each month? I remember each month being a different celebration. Some examples of these are Black History Month and Women’s History Month. We would spend some time making some cardboard cutouts or writing essays. But there was one special month of celebration that I did not learn about in school- National Geek History Month. This is a new celebration that has begun this year. Read onto find out more!
First let’s define the word geek. A geek is defined as someone who is obsessed with technology or things that are usually considered very intellectual. When you think of a geek, you might think of someone with a very studious appearance who wears thick glasses and is always hanging out at the library. But if you really think about it, we are all geeks in our own way. Everyone is obsessed with some type of technology. For example, your grandparents probably have a computer which allows them to take pictures, upload them, and send and receive emails. So, in a way your grandparents also can be considered geeks.
You might be wondering why August was chosen. Well August has a lot of significance for Geeks throughout the world. Firstly, August 6 is the day the first web page was launched which is a pretty important event in Geek history. Hollywood is also getting into the act by launching the Geek Awards which will honor geeky celebrities. This basically gives them the opportunity to honor celebrities who are afraid to express their technical side as well.
Please note that the majority of the information from this blog was adapted from If you need more information on this subject please visit this link.
In closing, please keep in mind this famous quote from Bill Gates about geeks, “Be nice to the geeks because you probably will end up working for one of them"

Healthy On the Go Snacks for College Students

Summer is drawing to a close in Gainesville. The days are starting to get shorter. College days are just around the corner. If you are an incoming freshman or returning student, then you know that school will keep you very busy. You will definitely get hungry and be too busy to get something to eat. So why not stock up on some healthy and quick on the go snacks. One of the best places to get lots of healthy snacks is Mother Earth market. It’s a short walk from UF and they have plenty of great options available!
1. Dried fruit- Dried fruit is a great healthy and filling snack to grab on the go. There are lots of great options such as raisins, figs, apple chips, banana chips and trail mix. It’s always in season and therefore available year-round!
2. Nuts- Nuts are a great source of vitamins and minerals. They can also be a terrific way to satisfy your appetite on the go. Walnuts, pecans, almonds, pistachios are just a few examples of all of the nuts that are available.
3. Cheese sticks- Mozzarella sticks or even a mixture of cheddar cheeses can help give you energy boost and some extra calcium for the day. Enjoy them in between meals or with yogurt for a more filling snack!
4. Cliff Bars- These are a great source of vitamins and protein. They come in a wide range of flavors such as carrot cake and chocolate chip. Cliff bars can be a great snack to tide you over in between meals and also a great source of vitamins!
5. Cliff protein bars- Are you trying to build muscle? Do you need a good meal replacement bar? Cliff protein bars are great tools for muscle building. They have 20 grams of protein and come in a wide variety of flavors such as chocolate mint and cookies and cream!
6. Think Thin Bars- These bars are also great for meal replacements. They are especially good for weight loss. Try all of the yummy flavors like lemon cream pie and peanut butter. These bars are loaded with protein and lots of nutrients! Eat up!
7. Protein shakes- You can also try some great meal replacement drinks like muscle milk and go lean protein. These shakes can help fill you up and even build some muscle!
8. Fresh fruit- If you want some quick to munch on, you can always go with the old standby of fresh fruit like apples and bananas. Grab some small packages of peanut butter and you will have a great small meal!
9. Fresh veggies- Carrot and celery are also great options for quick snacks as well and you can always add some peanut butter as a dip.
10. Grab a smoothie- When all else fails, make your own smoothie at home or buy one at Mother Earth. Not only will you satisfy your hunger but you will not be thirsty either!
Until next time, enjoy healthy snacks on the go!