Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to School Health Tips for College Students

With the fall semester just around the corner, thousands of students are getting ready to go back to school. Most of them have their shopping for supplies and other essentials. However, did you know there is a back to school health check list? Your health is your number one priority and it’s important that you check to make sure you have all of the bases covered. This is especially important if you are living in a dorm or away from home the first time. Read on and find out more!
1. Get a checkup- Let’s face it. Most people do not enjoy going to visit the doctor. But it’s important to make sure that you are healthy before you start school. This will also give you the opportunity to make sure that all of your vaccinations are up to date. One important vaccine that college students do not think about is the one for meningitis. The risk of getting meningitis is greater in college dorms. Be sure to ask the doctor to refill any prescriptions that you might need. You also need to make sure that you have a reliable method of birth control and enough of that to get you through the first semester.
2. Make a list- Now that your health history is up to date; be sure you write down any medications that you are taking. You also need to do research about where you will get your medical care while you are away at school. Visit the college’s health clinic before you get sick just to familiarize yourself.
3. Wash your hands frequently- You don’t have to be afraid of germs but it’s important to wash your hands a lot. This will help you to prevent the spread of germs. It can also be a good idea to keep some wet wipes or hand sanitizer in your car or backpack. These are great for times that you do not have access to soap and water.
4. Eat a balanced diet- If you eat poorly or do not consume enough food, then you run the risk of weakening your immune system. Be sure to eat a healthy diet so you can stay in good shape and avoid getting sick.
Most of the information in this blog comes from You can visit their web site for more information. Stay healthy!

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