Monday, August 9, 2010

An Old Card Game Revival Among College Students

According to an article from the Gainesville sun in 2006, more than 6,700 University of Florida male students were regular poker players. Poker has seemed to become popular among college students because they like to gamble. It also gives them another opportunity to get together in a social setting.
The Internet has also played a big role in poker’s expansion. At the beginning of poker’s rise in popularity in 2006, 580,000 people between the ages of 14 and 22 played poker online. Online poker makes it even easier for students to get into the game because most are very technologically savvy. The Internet is also very convenient so they can easily access different online poker games and tournaments.
You might be wondering, is poker still popular in Gainesville today? How can I get involved in a poker tournament? Well, Poker still is very popular today in Gainesville. One good way to get started is to just go online. I will recommend a few good web sites for local poker tournament information.
1. Gainesville Free Texas Holdem Poker- This site is a great resource for those who want to get involved in a local tournament. There are many events available at local bars. If you are a poker player or know someone who is, then you might want to check it out.
2. Ocala Poker- offers daily tournaments. This web site will provide you with information for players of all different skill levels. There is also a poker dealer training course for those who want to enhance their skills.
3. This website offers all of the information you need to get started playing online poker.
Want more opportunities to play poker with your friends? Recently, there was a poker tournament at Oxford Manor. This one was set up by Paradigm properties but you can start one at your dorm just by getting together some friends on the same day! Happy poker playing!

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