Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Top Ten Sex Myths for College Students

College life is back in full swing in Gainesville. This means lots of great classes, tons of homework and long informative lectures. But lets be realistic. College life also means lots of drinking, late night parties and sex. Many female students become sexually active while they are away at college. This blog will help debunk some of the myths that college students may have about sex. Make sure you read on before you go out and party.
Myth 1- You can’t get pregnant during your period- There is always a chance that you can get pregnant if you have unprotected sex. Your period is not a form of birth control. In fact, the most risky time to have sex is at the end of monthly cycle after the flow has decreased. So be safe even during that time of the month!
Myth 2- Condoms are 100% effective- This is false. There is always a chance that you can become pregnant regardless of the form of birth control that you use. Condoms are very effective against STD’s but its important to have a backup method of birth control just because they can break.
Myth 3- You can’t get pregnant if a man pulls out before ejaculation- This is false. Some men have sperm in their precum. It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.
Myth 4- You can get an STD from a toilet seat- This is not true. Sexually transmitted diseases cannot live outside the human body for long periods of time. They are also not present in urine. So if you sat on a not so clean toilet seat, don’t worry.
Myth 5- You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex- Another myth. It does not matter if its your first or 50th time. According to, 20% of people get pregnant within a month of sex.
Myth 6- You can’t get pregnant if you douche after sex- False. Douching cannot do anything to prevent sperm from entering the cervix after a man ejaculates.
Myth 7- You can’t get pregnant if you shower, bathe or urinate after sex- This is not true. None of these methods can do anything about the sperm that is on its way to fertilize an egg.
Myth 8-Birth control pills are effective immediately- False. Any hormonal method takes time before it can become effective so its important to have a backup plan
Myth 9- Pregnancy cannot occur if a woman does not have an orgasm- False. Pregnancy has nothing to do with whether or not a woman has an orgasm.
Myth 10- There is nothing you can do if the condom breaks- False- Emergency contraception such as Plan B can help prevent pregnancy if taken within 48 hours of having sex.
I hope that I have debunked some of the sex myths for you. The information for this blog was adapted from the following websites:
So if you are ready to have sex, take precautions or in nine months you and your partner will be parents.

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